Other News

See what else is happening in our company and in the industry.

The end of works on S-61 Stawiski – Szczuczyn


After more than two years of construction works, the Stawiski-Szczuczyn section of [...]

Complex Projekt initiates cooperation with Strabag


  The cooperation we undertook at the tender stage resulted in winning [...]

S-61 Suwałki-Budzisko with a decision on permission to implement a road investment


We are pleased to inform you that on 16 August 2021 the [...]

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Complex Projekt will design a road node within the stretch of the S1 expressway

On July 25th, 2017, we concluded a contract with the Municipal Office in Sosnowiec the subject of which is to prepare full design documentation and obtain the administrative decisions for the purpose of the investment project called “The construction of a road node within the S1 road stretch and its connection to the existing road network of the city of Sosnowiec”. This is yet another contract which we are undertaking at the local administrative level in the process of implementing a strategy of diversifying our services through cooperation with local and central authorities, as well as serious contractor businesses using a design and build formula.